2010 South Carolina International Trade Conference

April 21, 2010

CHARLESTON, SC – June 1-3, 2010 – Charleston Place Hotel
  Meet Decision Makers To Grow Your Business

    * Network with over 400 international logistics, transportation, manufacturing, distribution, and international trade assistance professionals.
    * Industry trends and developments; what to expect and how to prepare.
    * Benchmark best practices with other shippers/manufacturers and service providers.
    * Educational sessions led by industry leaders.
    * Enjoy a visit to the beautiful historic port city of Charleston, SC.

    As the 2010 General Chairman, please allow me to be the first to welcome you to the 37th Annual South Carolina International Trade Conference! I know you will find this year’s conference to be an outstanding networking and learning opportunity.You will hear from many leaders in our industry and rub elbows with influential clients, prospects and vendors during our always popular social events and receptions. You are cordially invited. Please join us in beautiful and historic Charleston!!

Mark Condon
Executive Director, CenTradeX Services &
2010 Conference General Chairman


Click here to register.