April 19, 2010

Register Now!

Charleston is world renowned for its warm hospitality, historic architecture, outstanding local food, and beautiful waterways. But did you know that the lowcountry of South Carolina and the Southeastern U.S. is also a hotbed of innovation for community economic development?  Forgotten mill towns are rising anew, tobacco farmers are converting their fields to sustainable local foods, local commodities like cotton are finding fair prices among socially minded consumers, family farms are being reclaimed, local businesses are learning sustainable practices to improve their bottom line – and the ties that bind communities and citizens together are being restored in the process.

And the amazing thing is that this is happening in more and more and more communities…
In these uncertain economic times, BALLE is convening the community of business owners and innovation leaders who are proving that things can and should be different!  Our economy ought to be by the people and for the people. The BALLE conference will demonstrate how the new economy is being shaped at the grassroots level in local communities around North America.

Join hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners, BALLE network leaders, economic developers, local government representatives and community connectors, as we explore innovative best practices in growing community health and wealth. Together we will find inspiration, share proven tools and successful programs, and explore how communities like yours are stepping forward as leaders of the new economy.


Conference Rates

The following rates include all main stage events, 24 break-out sessions, off-site evening activities and six meals:

BALLE Network Leaders Groups of 6 or more Groups of 10 or more
Through April 23 (extended deadline!)
$515 $465 $395 $375
Full Conference Rate
$565 $515 $445 $425






Please inquire with Alie Walker for instructions for registering groups of 6+ or 10+ people.