Registration is open for the Palmetto Open Source Software Conference
March 25, 2010Booths, sponsorships still available
COLUMBIA, SC – March 25, 2010 – Registration is open for the Palmetto Open Source Software Conference, the premier open source event in the Southeast, April 15-17.
Open source software is one of the most exciting and relevant topics in information technology today. It provides small-business owners and company executives a cost-effective way to provide function, while encouraging developers to be innovative.
POSSCON brings together experts in open source software, top information technology executives, innovative developers and educators teaching the latest technology. They are the knowledge economy.
POSSCON is expanding from one day on the University of South Carolina campus to three days and moving to the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center to accommodate the growing interest.
April 15 will focus on business and government IT managers and will feature an Executive CIO/CTO Forum and keynote speaker Robert X. Cringley, author of the book Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition and Still Can’t Get a Date.
April 16 will focus on education and programming and feature Jon Maddog Hall, executive director of Linux International; Chris Wanstrath, co-founder of GitHub; and Bryant Patten, executive director of the National Center for Open Source in Education.
April 17, which will be at the University of South Carolina, is dedicated to training and education, including hands-on workshops in technologies such as Moodle, GoogleDocs, WordPress, Drupal and Git/GitHub.
The goal of the conference is to provide affordable access to quality open source education in the Southeast. The cost to attend is $49 for Thursday and Friday and $39 for Saturday, or $85 for all three days. Space is limited, and the deadline for early registration is April 9. Booths and sponsorships also are still available. For more information and to register, visit
POSSCON is presented by the Consortium for Enterprise Systems Management, working from the classroom to the boardroom to strengthen the supply in the IT talent pipeline. For more information about the Consortium for Enterprise Systems Management, visit