Public Can Provide Feedback on Proposed Amendments to Special Ed Regulations
November 9, 2009FLORENCE & WALTERBORO, SC – November 9, 2009 – South Carolinians can comment on proposed amendments to state regulations affecting the education of children with disabilities at a series of regional hearings across the state.
The four hearings, coordinated by the South Carolina Department of Education’s Office of Exceptional Children, are set for:
- Nov. 9 – M.S. Child Development Center, 625 Elizabeth St., Clinton.
- Nov. 12 – Colleton Annex Learning Center, 609 Colleton Loop, Walterboro.
- Nov. 16 – Lexington County School District Office, 100 Tarrar Springs Road, Lexington.
- Nov. 18 – Pee Dee Education Center, 520 Francis Marion Road, Florence.
Each meeting will be held from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m., and the state agency will explain the proposed amendments and accept comments.
The federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 was amended in December 2008 in the areas of parental consent for continued special education and related services; non-attorney representation in due process hearings; state monitoring, technical assistance, and enforcement; and allocation of funds. The amendments also incorporate a requirement relating to positive efforts to employ and advance in employment individuals with disabilities that was inadvertently omitted from the 2006 federal regulations, enforcement of violations of confidentiality, and the appeals process available to local districts determined ineligible for funding. Amendments to South Carolina State Board of Education regulations are needed to align these regulations with federal requirements.
Persons who cannot attend any of the four regional hearings can obtain copies of the proposed amendments by calling the Office of Exceptional Children at 803-734-6516 or by visiting this web site:
Written comments can be submitted to Marlene Metts, Office of Exceptional Children, South Carolina Department of Education, 1429 Senate St., Room 808, Columbia, SC 29201.
Individuals who need the proposed amendment presented in an alternative format, or who require accommodations in order to participate in a public hearing, should contact the Office of Exceptional Children at 803-734-6516.
All comments submitted by 5 p.m. Nov. 30, will be reviewed and considered.