Education Superintendent Schedules Second Statewide Virtual Faculty Meeting April 27
April 22, 2009COLUMBIA, SC – April 22, 2009 – Superintendent of Education Jim Rex will hold his second online faculty meeting with South Carolina teachers statewide from 4 to 5 p.m. on Monday, April 27.
This virtual meeting – like the first held in February – will be broadcast live to schools by South Carolina ETV and will also be available via streaming video. Educators are encouraged to participate in groups at their schools and may e-mail questions during the program at
Thousands of educators took part in Rex’s initial online meeting produced by ITV and SCETV on February 2. The sessions allow the State Superintendent to share his perspective on a variety of issues and also give educators a method to directly communicate their concerns to him.
After April 27’s live broadcast, the program will be archived in StreamlineSC and Educator+ (access from or from ITV Web site – bullet in middle of home page by “Instant Replay”). Viewers searching the archive should look for “Statewide Virtual Faculty Meeting – April 27, 2009.”
- Educator access information for the live broadcast
- The best way to view the program is on satellite channel 1 or, if available, use your local DES Channel (formerly called DELC).
- OnePlaceSC will also stream the program. If your district has an IP Streaming system, the best way to view is on your local streaming District TV Guide.
- Any teacher, administrator or staff member may also view the Internet stream on OnePlaceSC’s ETV TV Guide channel 1; however, many schools may not be equipped to view live streams.
To learn the best access solution for their district or school, educators should contact their local school media specialist or DES (Digital Education Services) operator (link to DES contact information: