PalmettoPride presents 2021 Leaders Against Litter awards

August 9, 2021

PalmettoPride presented the 2021 Leaders Against Litter awards at the South Carolina Association of Counties annual meeting. The Leaders Against Litter awards honor elected officials who seek to change the environmental landscape in their communities by working with their administrations, employees and citizens on litter prevention. These Leaders Against Litter lead the charge to make important changes in how their counties address litter, specifically following what PalmettoPride believes are the basic tenets for change: education, enforcement, awareness and pickup.

Awards were presented to the following elected officials:

  • Tiffany Wright, County Supervisory, Williamsburg County for implementing administrative changes through litter control and pickup, including applying for and receiving a Litter Task Force grant;
  • Ben Kinlaw, Barnwell County Council District 5, for coordinating efforts between state and local agencies to increase litter pickup, and taking on the coordination of Adopt-a-Highway and the Barnwell County Highway Trash Pickup social media campaign;
  • Chakisse Newton, Richland County Council District 11, for working with the administration to respond to the needs of increased pickup after COVID-19 and organizing and participating in community litter pickup events;
  • Gretchen Barron, Richland County Council District 7, for leading her district in community cleanup and prevention efforts using community in-action methods; and
  • Laurens County Council for creating a cohesive countywide litter prevention program including applying for and receiving the Litter Task Force grant and becoming a certified Keep South Carolina Beautiful affiliate.
    “Litter is not unique to South Carolina, but how we address litter in our communities is,” said Sarah Lyles, Executive Director for PalmettoPride. “These Leaders have come up with solutions for their communities’ needs and resources.”

PalmettoPride has the experience and national network base to help local governments plan and implement litter prevention programs to fit the needs of communities, municipalities and counties, with a wide range of solutions and price points.

“Litter prevention does not have to carry a heavy price tag, but ignoring the problem will always cost your county its quality of life,” said Lyles.

For more information on PalmettoPride contact [email protected].


PalmettoPride is working towards a litter-free South Carolina. Created as a legislative initiative to fight litter and help beautify South Carolina by engaging citizens to take action in their communities through education, enforcement, awareness and pickup.