2023 Ag Day Essay Contest

January 31, 2023

Students across the country are invited to enter the National Ag Day essay and video contest, sponsored by the Agriculture Council of America. This year’s theme is, “Growing a Climate for Tomorrow- How American agriculture does it every day.” National Ag Day’s objective is to celebrate agriculture and to help consumers better understand how farmers and the companies serving them produce abundant, healthy, nutritious, and safe food while caring and tending for the land; leading the way in preservation and innovation for the health of our planet….and our families.

We encourage all entrants to support their position with facts. Don’t just tell a story. As you prepare your entry, consider the following:

  • Research the food value chain

  • Consider the role of technology in agriculture and how it contributes to a healthy planet.

  • Increasing global consumer interest in how food is produced and processed

  • Health and fitness driving consumer food buying habits

  • Farmers are proud stewards of our land, water and air every day.

  • U.S. farmers are among the most productive in the world. They proudly raise crops and livestock because they want to help feed hungry people.

For more information, visit https://www.agday.org/essay-contest