ACEC-SC honors Greg Maris as Young Professional of the Year

July 5, 2024

The American Council of Engineering Companies of South Carolina (ACEC-SC) announced Greg Maris, PE, as the recipient of the 2024 ACEC-SC Young Professional of the Year award at the South Carolina Engineering Conference and Trade Show held June 6-8 in Greenville.

Maris, a Project Geotechnical Engineer at NOVA Engineering and Environmental, has demonstrated exceptional commitment to both his profession and community. He serves as a Project Manager for the Haile Goldmine project, showcasing his expertise and leadership in the Geotechnical Engineering field.

Maris’ academic journey began at The Citadel, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Civil Environmental Engineering. He continued his education at the University of Colorado at Boulder, obtaining a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering with a focus on Geotechnical Engineering. During his time at CU Boulder, he contributed to the academic community as a teaching assistant in the Geotechnical Engineering and Steel Design departments.

In addition to his professional achievements, Maris has a long-standing dedication to community service. From serving the homeless during high school to working as a community building intern in Lima, Peru, he has consistently given back to society. Recently, he spoke to Civil Engineering students at the University of South Carolina during E-Week, inspiring the next generation of engineers.

Maris’ involvement in professional organizations is equally impressive. He is an active member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), ACEC-SC, and the South Carolina Society of Professional Engineers (SCSPE). He currently serves as the secretary of the SCSPE Piedmont Chapter and is its president-elect, highlighting his commitment to advancing the engineering profession.

In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Maris was also named the 2024 SCSPE Young Engineer of the Year on the same evening as his ACEC-SC award presentation. This dual honor underscores his exceptional impact on the engineering community and his unwavering dedication to service.

“Greg exemplifies the qualities of a young professional who not only excels in his technical field but also contributes significantly to his community and the engineering profession,” said Adam Jones, executive director of ACEC-SC. “We are proud to honor him as the 2024 Young Professional of the Year.”


ACEC-SC’s mission is to advocate, advance and protect the business interests of engineering firms and standards of the engineering profession in South Carolina. For more information, visit