Annual Siren Test

July 5, 2009

SCE&G to conduct annual test of V.C. Summer emergency sirens

JENKINSVILLE, SC – June 30, 2009 – South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. (SCE&G) will conduct a full activation test of the 106 sirens located within a 10-mile radius of V.C. Summer Nuclear Station Tuesday, July 7, at approximately 1 p.m. The sirens will be sounded at full volume for three minutes as part of the plant’s annual testing of its emergency response plan.

Area residents are reminded that the sounding of sirens during this time period is only a test. In the unlikely event of an actual emergency at the plant, the sirens would sound with no prior notice and would alert area residents to tune to an Emergency Alert System radio or television station for further instructions. More information about V.C. Summer’s nuclear emergency preparedness plan can be found at

SCE&G is the largest subsidiary of SCANA Corp., an energy-based holding company principally engaged, through subsidiaries, in electric and natural gas utility operations, telecommunications and other energy-related businesses.