BASF donates food to Children’s Home

March 24, 2021

BASF’s site in Seneca, South Carolina donated two full barrels of food to the Collins Children’s Home, which assists families and children in the area who need additional nutritional support.

Employees at the Seneca site spent several weeks collecting food items for the donation. Items included canned fruits and vegetables, soups, crackers, pancake mixes, tuna, beans, spaghetti, peanut butter, macaroni and cheese and more.

“Non-profit organizations like Collins Children’s Home around the country have been hit especially hard over the past year, but the need in the community has only increased, and so our employees stepped up to help fill the need,” Seneca Site Director Elba Lizardi said. “We are proud to see our employees prioritizing BASF’s value of giving back to others, and we are delighted to help families and children in our community.”

BASF employees participated in the Collins Home Clean-Up Days on Saturday, March 20 and plan to support again on Saturday, April 10.

BASF in South Carolina is hiring. For more information, visit