BBC’s shark expert one of several headlining guests at 2018 Eco Ball – May 5

April 30, 2018

CHARLESTON, S.C. – GLOBAL ECO ADVENTURES’ (GEA) third annual Eco Ball will be held at the South Carolina Aquarium in Charleston, Sat. evening, May 5.

Several VIP guests have already confirmed, including world-renowned shark expert Bryan Andrew Keller – featured on numerous documentaries like BBC’s “Shark” and “Alien Sharks: Stranger Fins.”

Keller [pictured] is a researcher and undersea explorer for GEA’s Shark Institute where his work has focused primarily on the coastal migrations of bonnethead sharks; tracking these sharks up-and-down the east coast of the United States all the while attempting to determine if they navigate by using Earth’s magnetic field as a compass (as has been theorized). Keller’s work has been supported by organizations such as SeaWorld and National Geographic.

“The Eco Ball will be a wonderful evening of dining, dancing, and otherwise celebrating the expeditionary successes of Global Eco Adventures,” says GEA President Thomas S. Mullikin, newly inducted fellow in both the Explorers Club and the Royal Geographical Society. “We will also showcase the myriad local, regional and international programs which are designed to educate, inform and advance the global environmental work of GEA.”

Mullikin, “a NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC expert,” adds, “Among the VIPs and other guests, will be a few surprise guests and honorees.”

The 2018 Eco Ball will begin with a reception at 7:00 p.m. followed by the event at 7:30 p.m. and dinner, including a silent auction. Premier sponsorship opportunities are still available (visit, and individual tickets are $250 per-person which includes dinner, live music, and open bar.

The South Carolina Aquarium is located at 100 Aquarium Wharf in Charleston.

For more information, visit or contact Brant Tomlinson at [email protected].