BBQ Fundraiser to Help Science Olympiad Teams Raise Funds to Go to National Competition

April 19, 2023

The legacy of winning continues for the Clinton Middle School and Clinton High School Science Olympiad teams. Both teams won the State championship on April 1 and are preparing to compete in the National Science Olympiad Tournament to be held May 19-20 at Wichita State University in Kansas.

The cost for the two teams and their coaches to travel to Kansas and compete is not cheap! The bus service alone is estimated to be $14,000 and then there are hotel rooms for 30-33 students and 12 chaperones for six nights.

While the cost is not broken down by child, it is estimated to be ~$1,000 per student. The kids are not charged or assessed this cost because they don’t money to be the reason some might not go.

That’s why they have launched a food fundraiser – the best kind of fundraiser!

Barbeque plates from The Pasture are being sold for Saturday, April 29 from 11- 1. Tickets are $12 for pulled pork, mac and cheese, and green beans. You can dine in or get it to go. Every plate helps the Science Olympiad teams get to Kansas as they will keeps 50% of every ticket sold.

“Our district has competed in Science Olympiad since 1986.  I competed as a teenager on the team and have had the honor of coaching our students for the past several years.  The Science Olympiad program give students the opportunities to dig deep into the different areas of science and technology and begin to build a knowledge base for future careers,” said teacher and coach Ami Vaughn.  “Aside from the knowledge and work that goes into competition, the opportunity to travel, to learn real life skills like budgeting, to build bonds, to meet students from all over the country and Japan, and to experience things they might never get a chance to do otherwise is an opportunity that all students deserve!”

The students have worked hard to achieve the title of State Champions. They practice every Saturday and at least 3 other days of the week beginning in September. Because the coaches are all volunteer and some are also professionals in other areas than education, practices are held throughout the week according to the coaches schedules.

Let’s help them get to the National Championship Tournament by ordering a BBQ plate for lunch on April 29. Purchase tickets from your favorite team member or coach or call or text 864-316-0874. Another option is a direct donation. To make a financial contribution contact Terri O’Shields at [email protected].