Blackbaud Announces Finish Strong Web Seminar Series for Nonprofits
October 24, 2011
Series Description: The end of the year is busy withthe hustle and bustle of the holiday season and with fundraisingefforts, campaigns, and events. For many nonprofits, the end of the year is an opportune time to maximize giving, acknowledge support fromdonors, and solidify fundraising and donor retention plans for theupcoming year. How do nonprofits prioritize their end-of-year efforts to get the best return? Join industry experts as they remind us that it’snot just how the year starts, but how it finishes. Prepare to finishstrong.
Seminar: Finish Strong – Improving Donor Loyalty
Improving donor loyalty by as little as 10% can increase the lifetimevalue of a fundraising database by up to 200%. In this session we willexplain how to achieve this increase, drawing on 20 years of academicresearch and the very best of professional practice. We’ll examine whypeople give, why they stop and the underlying factors that drive donorloyalty. We’ll also examine key loyalty metrics including the use ofdonor lifetime value.
When: Tuesday, October 25, 1:00 p.m. ET
Who: Ryan Glushkoff, Product Marketing Manager, Blackbaud
Adrian Sargeant, Robert F. Hartsook Professor of Fundraising at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University
Seminar: Finish Strong – 5 End of Year Fundraising Campaigns that will Rock Your World
The end of year is a busy time with fundraising campaigns. Dononprofits ever wonder how to make end-of-year campaigns stand out fromthe crowd? What is the best channel for reaching the most people at theend of year? How should an organization execute a campaign to get thebest results with an end-of year push? Join industry leader, AllysonKapin, as she presents the five end of year fundraising campaigns thatwill rock the nonprofit world—and its donors!
When: Wednesday, November 9, 1:00 p.m. ET
Who: Frank Barry, Internet Strategy Manager, Blackbaud
Allyson Kapin, Founder of Women Who Tech and Rad Campaign, and Regular Contributor to Frogloop.
In addition to these topical web seminars, Blackbaud offers a widevariety of daily web seminars featuring Blackbaud products and servicesand tips and tricks to help nonprofits be more effective. All webseminars are free, last approximately one hour, and can be accessed at
About Blackbaud
Blackbaud is the leading global provider of software and servicesdesigned specifically for nonprofit organizations, enabling them toimprove operational efficiency, build strong relationships, and raisemore money to support their missions. Approximately 24,000 organizations — including The American Red Cross, Cancer Research UK, Earthjustice,International Fund for Animal Welfare, Lincoln Center, The SalvationArmy, The Taft School, Tulsa Community Foundation, Ursinus College, theWGBH Educational Foundation, and Yale University — use one or moreBlackbaud products and services for fundraising, constituentrelationship management, financial management, website management,direct marketing, education administration, ticketing, businessintelligence, prospect research, consulting, and analytics. Since 1981,Blackbaud’s sole focus and expertise has been partnering with nonprofits and providing them the solutions they need to make a difference intheir local communities and worldwide. Headquartered in the UnitedStates, Blackbaud also has operations in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong,the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. For more information, visit