Blackbaud to Host Social Media Strategies Panel at South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival
March 10, 2011Panel features leaders from Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Foursquare, March of Dimes, and Make-a-Wish Foundation discussing social webinitiatives that benefit nonprofits.
SXSW Panel: “Social Media for Social Good: How Digital Charity is Changing Our World”
Panel Description: Social media platforms, such asFacebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Foursquare, are proving to be powerfulvehicles for raising the profiles of nonprofit organizations. Nonprofitentities are leveraging social media outlets in record numbers to raisefunds for their programs, inspire advocacy, and build awareness. Inturn, the companies behind these popular social media platforms areoffering support to nonprofits in the form of specialized programs,tools, and initiatives. Join us as Frank Barry, leading Internetstrategy manager at Blackbaud, moderates the discussion on how Twitter,Facebook, Foursquare, and YouTube are giving nonprofit organizers thetools to raise funds more effectively and draw supporters to theircause. Additionally, representatives from Make-a-Wish Foundation andMarch of Dimes will discuss their experiences using social media tobenefit their causes and programs. Come ready to interact, discuss, and be challenged to think differently about how to use social media ininnovative ways.
Beacon Lounge: Need to unwind from all the panels atthe South by Southwest Interactive Festival? Thanks to our partnershipwith Beaconfire consulting, Blackbaud invites attendees to stop by The Beacon Lounge for complimentary food, beverages, Wi-Fi, and live performances bylocal Austin acoustics bands. This casual space is an opportunity tocheck email, listen to music, as well as network with colleagues fromtop nonprofit organizations.
When: Monday March 14, 2011, 9:30-10:30 a.m. CT
Where: Austin Convention Center
Moderator: Frank Barry leads Internet marketing and strategy at Blackbaud while also helping nonprofits use the Internet for fundraising,marketing, communications, and community building so they can focus onmaking an impact and achieving their missions. With more than eightyears of experience in the nonprofit arena, he has worked with a diverse group of organizations including LIVESTRONG, United Methodist Church,American Heart Association, Family Life, Darkness to Light, Universityof Richmond, Big Brother Big Sisters, ChildFund International, and more. He blogs at, guest blogs at and can be found on Twitter at
Twitter: Claire Diaz Ortiz
YouTube: Ramya Raghavan
Foursquare: Jake Furst
Facebook: Charles Porch
Make-a-Wish: Petri Darby
March of Dimes: Beverly Robertson
FaceBook: To Be Determined
Ramya Raghavan: Ramya Raghavan manages political and social change programming at YouTube, including the YouTube Nonprofit Program and YouTube World Viewinterview series. She has spoken about the intersection of social media and activism at SXSW, the International Fundraising Conference, and the Independent Sector Conference. Ramya regularly blogs at
Claire Diaz Ortiz: Claire Diaz Ortiz leads social innovation and philanthropy at Twitter. She holds an MBA and other degrees from Stanford and Oxford Universities and was a Skoll Foundation scholar. She co-founded Hope Runs, a nonprofit organization in Kenya and is a published author writing on such diverse topics as social media strategy, saving money, and natural living. Her second book, exploring how causes can excel using Twitter, comesout in the summer of 2011. Find her on Twitter – @claired.
Jake Furst: Jake Furst is a Business Development Manager at Foursquare, where he helps merchants reach their customers and brands engage withtheir audiences in innovative ways through the Foursquare platform.Prior to joining Foursquare, he worked in the advertising industry atWieden + Kennedy as an Account Manager on the ESPN account. Jake has anMBA from Columbia Business School with a concentration in Media andEntrepreneurship and a BA from Northwestern University in PoliticalScience. Jake is also a founding board member of The Country RoadsFoundation, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting and engaging kids inunderserved Brooklyn neighborhoods at summer camp and throughout theschool year. Find him on twitter – @jakethefurst.
Charles Porch: Charles Porch supports marketing partnerships for Facebook around public figures and nonprofits. He led the company’s 2011 videoinitiatives with the World Economic Forum and United Nations Foundation. Most recently, he helped launch Sponsored Stories in the nonprofitspace with organizations such as the Special Olympics, Alzheimer’sAssociation, and UNICEF. Charles holds a bachelor’s degree ininternational development from McGill University.
Beverly Robertson: Beverly Robertson is the nationaldirector of the Pregnancy & Newborn Health Education Center at March of Dimes. In her role, Beverly leads the new media team, which tweets, on @marchofdimes and blogs on the News Moms Need and Nacersano blogs.She regularly speaks at industry events on the importance of engagingthe public via the social web and Hispanic outreach. Beverly has an MLS degree from Rutgers University, an MA in History and an archivalcertificate from New York University, and a BA in Spanish from OhioState University.
Petri Darby: Petri Darby, APR, is the director ofbrand marketing & digital strategy for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Petri has worked on both the agency and client sides in the nonprofitand traditional corporate arenas. He’s also served on more than a dozen political campaigns and, as far as he knows, is the only two-timewinner of the USA Today online haiku contest. He lives in TheWoodlands, just north of Houston, with his wife and two young boys. Heloves bacon. Carl Sagan is his homeboy. Find Petri on Twitter@darbyDARNIT.
About SXSW-I: Blackbaud is sponsoring a paneldiscussion that is part of the “Causes Track” within South by SouthwestInteractive (SXSW-I) – a five-day conference featuring exhibits, product demonstrations, and presentations from the brightest minds intechnology. In addition to the panel, Blackbaud is sponsoring a one-dayevent at The Beacon Lounge.
Join us to learn how you can use social media to raise the visibilityof your nonprofit cause and support effective fundraising activities and programs. In addition to sponsoring this panel at SXSW-I, Blackbaudalso offers a wide variety of daily web seminars featuring Blackbaudproducts and services to help nonprofits be more effective. All webseminars are free, last approximately one hour, and can be accessed at
About Blackbaud
Blackbaud is the leading global provider of software and servicesdesigned specifically for nonprofit organizations, enabling them toimprove operational efficiency, build strong relationships, and raisemore money to support their missions. Approximately 24,000 organizations — including The American Red Cross, Cancer Research UK, Earthjustice,International Fund for Animal Welfare, Lincoln Center, The SalvationArmy, The Taft School, Tulsa Community Foundation, Ursinus College, theWGBH Educational Foundation, and Yale University — use one or moreBlackbaud products and services for fundraising, constituentrelationship management, financial management, website management,direct marketing, education administration, ticketing, businessintelligence, prospect research, consulting, and analytics. Since 1981,Blackbaud’s sole focus and expertise has been partnering with nonprofits and providing them the solutions they need to make a difference intheir local communities and worldwide. Headquartered in the UnitedStates, Blackbaud also has operations in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong,the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. For more information, visit