Brookgreen Gardens’ Cool Summer Evenings June 20 – 22

June 15, 2012

PAWLEY’S ISLAND, SC – The sounds of live entertainment will stir thequiet of the gardens when Brookgreen remains open Wednesday, Thursday,and Friday evenings until 9 p.m. during Cool Summer Evenings, guestswill enjoy live entertainment and activities just for kids.  Allperformances begin at 7 p.m. and are included in the regular gardenadmission of $14 – adults and $7 -children, which is good for sevenconsecutive days. Evening creek cruises are available for $7 in addition to garden admission. 

June 20 Becky Nissen (Harp) Beckyis a past winner of the Lyon & Healy International Jazz and Pop Harp Competition which took place in Nashville, and currently performsclassical, jazz and pop music in many regional venues.

Thursday June 21, Jerry Walls, naturalist, professional bird guide and co-star of CBStelevision’s ‘Carolina Safari’, will present Alligators—the DragonLizards, an educational and interactive programs featuring hiscollection of live animals. Each week, Jerry will focus on a differentanimal. The hour-long programs will begin at 5 p.m. in the LowcountryZoo area at the Sculpture Center outdoor patio and will be held rain orshine. From 6 – 7:30 p.m. “Family Fun with Science—Oh, My!’ is aninteractive learning session for families with the same intrigue ofspotting lions, and tigers, and bears, science activities will attractparticipants at stations for K-2 and 3-6 graders. Together, familymembers may construct items and make predictions, view supplies and test choices, or play games to identify things.

Friday, June 22 –  Thistledown Tinkers (Celtic Duo) the powerful music duo featuring Trip Rogers and Tom Eure, weave traditional Scottish and Irish music withoriginal creations that sets the stage on fire. With an impressivearsenal of instruments including guitar, fiddle, mandolin, banjo,dulcimer, and concertina, their stage presence creates a rebel rousingparty that not only draws fans in, but makes them feel like a part ofthe show.

Brookgreen Gardens, a National Historic Landmark, accredited out door museum, and non-profit organization, is located on U.S. 17 betweenMyrtle Beach and Pawleys Island, South Carolina, and is open daily tothe public.