Business Dining Etiquette can make or break a deal
March 13, 2013Deborah O’Connor
March 13, 2013
Some of the most successful business meetings are conducted over lunch or dinner. Knowing how to dine withdecorum can determine whether you get the contract for your company orthe job of your dreams. If a potential client or boss sees that youcan’t dine properly, they start to wonder what else you don’t know.Proper dining etiquette can establish your credibility and reputation.It sets you apart from the crowd and builds self-confidence as well.
Many employers want to see you in a social setting to see how you conductyourself, as your job may require frequent dining with clients. If youcannot conduct yourself properly, it can affect your job. Here are somedining etiquette tips to help you dine with decorum.
If you areentertaining clients and want to avoid the fight over who pays the bill, there is a simple and proper way to handle it. Simply contact themaitre d’ and tell him you are hosting the dinner and want to pay thebill. Give him your credit card information and tell him you do not want the bill brought to the table and that you will settle up with himlater. This is an impressive way to entertain clients.
If you are a lunch or dinner guest, there are definite rules to follow. Alwaysarrive on time and call if you know you will be late. If you arrivebefore your host and are seated at the table, you must not touch, eat or drink anything until your host arrives. Enter and exit your seat fromthe right, and rise when a lady leaves the table. Remember, if it isn’tpart of the meal, it does not belong on the table. Purses, briefcases,cell phones, ipads, keys, etc., should be under your chair. Be sure toturn your phone off. Nothing says, “You’re not very important” like aringing cell phone.
Your host sets the pace for the meal. Do not begin until he or she does. If you are not sure which utensil to use,work from the outside in. Once a piece of silverware has left the table, it never touches the table again. Do not gesture with your silverware,and never, ever speak with food in your mouth. Always pass the salt andpepper together. Never blow on food if it is too hot, just let it cooloff. Pause between bites and do not gulp your food. If you do not likesomething that has been served, don’t comment on it; simply don’t eatit. If you must leave the table, simply say excuse me, place your napkin on your chair, and leave. There is no need to announce where you aregoing. If you accidentally spill on someone, simply offer your napkinand insist on paying for dry cleaning. Remember, if you stay calm sowill everyone else.
Successful business dining is not difficultand by following these suggestions you will stand out to your boss,clients, and peers. It will set you apart as a confident and crediblehost or guest and demonstrate your ability to plan and entertain withdecorum.
Deborah O’Connor
Deborah O’Connor is a social strategist and founder and president of Successful Image LLC with offices in Columbia and Atlanta. She offers training and seminars on image management, workplace etiquette, and social skills necessary to succeed in life professionally and personally. Contact at: [email protected].