Carbon-Offset Project Protects 4,000+ Acres of Southern Coastal Habitat

January 19, 2015

Green Assets and Brookgreen Gardens Earn Carbon Credits for Forest Conservation Efforts


WILMINGTON, NC – Green Assets, Inc., a leading forest carbon offset developer, has been awarded carbon offset credits for its forest conservation project of more than 4,400 acres of land owned and managed by world-renowned Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina.

The project represents South Carolina’s first carbon credits to be issued through the California Air Resources Board (ARB) compliance offset program for U.S. forests. ARB offset credits are issued to projects that meet specific requirements and represent verified greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions or removal enhancements. Carbon credits are a component of national and international attempts to mitigate the growth in concentrations of greenhouse gases. One carbon credit is equal to one ton of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere.

This initial issuance of credits by the Air Resources Board amounts to 162,551 carbon credits. Using the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator, these credits offset the emissions of more than 34,000 cars over a year’s time.

Widely considered to be one of the “seven wonders of the Carolinas,” Brookgreen Gardens has been named among the top 10 public gardens in the United States and is a National Historic Landmark.

“We are proud to be early participants in the new carbon economy,” said Bob Jewell, President and CEO of Brookgreen Gardens. “This project is wholly consistent with our mission of environmental sustainability and historic preservation, and it recognizes Brookgreen’s stewardship of natural areas for more than 85 years.”

The Green Assets-Brookgreen Gardens partnership will help protect Brookgreen’s forestlands, comprising more than 4,400 acres of pristine southern coastal habitat southeast of Myrtle Beach, S.C. The ARB’s protocol ensures that the most sustainable methods of natural forest management are implemented and maintained throughout the subject property.

“Green Assets is privileged to collaborate with Brookgreen Gardens in implementing an Improved Forest Management project in accordance with the ARB’s U.S. Forest Offset Protocol,” said Chris Newton, CEO of Green Assets. “We’re proud to be recognized as a leader in carbon offset project design and development, and we look forward to helping other landowners around the country realize the environmental and economic benefits that carbon programs offer.”

“The Green Assets team worked diligently to meet the rigorous demands of the ARB protocol while maintaining a high level of clear communication with Brookgreen in the process,” said Mr. Jewell. “I’m confident that we have successfully created the highest quality forest carbon offsets available in this growing market.”


About Green Assets, Inc.
Green Assets, Inc. is an environmental asset development company that benefits landowners by creating recurring revenue streams through carbon offset credit programs and expert land management practices. Headquartered in Wilmington, N.C., the company specializes in forestry-based carbon credit projects, including improved forest management, avoided conversion, and reforestation projects. For more information, please visit

About Brookgreen Gardens
Brookgreen Gardens is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization whose mission is to collect, conserve and exhibit figurative sculpture by American artists; to cultivate a display garden and exhibit sculpture therein; to collect, conserve and exhibit the plants, animals and cultural materials of the South Carolina Lowcountry; to educate a diverse audience about sculpture, horticulture and the ecology and history of the Lowcountry; To provide additional artists and cultural opportunities for members, guests and the community; and to sustain the institution and all of its assets with visionary leadership, sound management and prudent fiscal policies. Brookgreen Gardens is one of the few institutions in the United States to earn accreditation from the American and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, as well as being designated national and being listed on the National Register of Historic Places.