Carolinas-Virginia MSDC Annual Meeting Honors Supplier Development Professionals and New Board of Directors

February 4, 2015

CHARLOTTE, NC – A two-day annual meeting for the Carolinas-Virginia Minority Supplier Development Council focused on the event theme—Elevating Our Brand—by unveiling a new logo and strategic plan for the upcoming year. Held Jan 28-29 in Raleigh, NC at the Marriott City Center, CVMSDC honored key professionals in supplier development and acknowledged Andrea Harris, senior fellow for The Institute, for 30 years of achievements in minority business development.

CVMSDC president and CEO Eric Watson said, “CVMSDC is pleased to honor a champion of minority business and supplier development and to acknowledge the stellar work that Andrea Harris has done. We are inter-connected in this work, and we all benefit from the shared success of the Council.” Wednesday’s business meeting included discussions on public policy and corporate policy in supplier development, breakout sessions for minority business owners, and an awards/scholarship luncheon featuring guest speaker Maurice Cox, a retired PepsiCo executive. Comments on the Council’s strategic vision were given by National Minority Supplier Development Council president Joset Wright-Lacy, and the new 2015 CVMSDC Board of Directors was introduced.


Harris CVMSDC award

Andrea Harris (center) received an award acknowledging her 30 years of service in minority business development from the Carolinas-Virginia Minority Supplier Development Council on Jan. 28. She was honored by industry colleagues, from left: Rosalind Fuse-Hall, Joset Wright-Lacy, Eric Watson and Robert Brown.

Closing sessions for the annual meeting featured new opportunities for Minority Business Enterprises that participated in the seminars. CVMSDC corporate members were on hand to provide details about upcoming leadership and economic development opportunities in: Leadership Development (sponsored by Sonoco); CEO Academy (Wells Fargo); Doing Business With the Government (Dominion); and Succession Planning (Ferguson).

The Carolinas-Virginia MSDC is a non-profit corporation chartered to enhance business opportunities for minority-owned companies by providing support through developing mutually beneficial networking opportunities with corporate members and promoting minority business development. To learn more about CVMSDC visit online at