CCSD hosting first-ever FACE Expo

February 2, 2022

Charleston County School District (CCCSD) is hosting its first-ever Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Expo, a free conference-style event specifically for parents and guardians. District parents are invited to participate in family engagement workshops and meet with vendors. They will also be able to listen to the keynote speaker, President of Visionary Institute Ako Kambon.

The district’s FACE Office staff is dedicated to building a stronger bridge between schools, families, and communities while also serving as a resource to parents and families to ensure student success. The department’s mission is to facilitate effective communication and cultivate positive relationships among parents, schools, and the community through increased engagement and by the provision of targeted resources and support.

When: Saturday, February 5, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.


  • Cooper River Center for Advanced Studies, 1088 East Montague Avenue, North Charleston SC 29405
  • and North Charleston High School, 1087 East Montague Avenue, North Charleston, SC 29405

For more information, contact CCSD’s FACE Office at (843) 937-6306.


About the Charleston County School District

Charleston County School District (CCSD) is a nationally accredited school district committed to providing equitable and quality educational opportunities for all of its students. CCSD is the second-largest school system in South Carolina and represents a unique blend of urban, suburban, and rural schools spanning 1,300 square miles along the coast. CCSD serves approximately 49,000 students in 88 schools and specialized programs.

CCSD offers a diverse, expanding portfolio of options and specialized programs, delivered through neighborhood, magnet, IB (international baccalaureate), Montessori, and charter schools. Options include programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); music and other creative and performing arts; career and technical preparation programs; and military.