CCSD welcomes new Executive Director of Career and Technology Education

January 23, 2017

Charleston County School District (CCSD) announced Richard Gordon as the new Executive Director of Career and Technology Education (CTE). Gordon has served as the Principal of James Island Charter High School for the past four years.

Gordon enters this new post with a wealth of knowledge and experience as an educator. Gordon graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Rutgers University followed by a Master of Education in Teaching and Curriculum from Harvard, a Master of Education in Secondary Education from Charleston Southern, and an Educational Specialist Degree in School Systems, Superintendency, and Leadership from Webster. Gordon served as a math and computer science teacher at George Washington High School, and a teacher and administrative intern at Academic Magnet for three years before taking the position of Assistant Principal of James Island Charter High School (JICHS) in 2007. Gordon became Principal in Fall 2013.

During his time at JICHS, Gordon participated in all aspects of school operation including serving as instructional leader, serving on the Board of Directors Special Committees and the School Improvement Council, serving as Director of the Freshman Academy, managing the school’s general operating fund and strategic planning process, and overseeing the capital building plan, teacher evaluation, textbook coordination, and CORE Team – Response to Intervention.

Gordon also served his country in two tours of active duty military service at the ranks of First Lieutenant and Major in 2003-2004 and 2012-2013 respectively.

“We are delighted to welcome Richard to our administrative team,” said CCSD Superintendent Gerrita Postlewait. “His experience and knowledge in secondary education will be invaluable to the future of our CTE programs.”


About the Charleston County School District

Charleston County School District (CCSD) is the second largest school system in South Carolina representing a unique blend of urban, suburban, and rural schools that span 1,000 square miles along the coast. CCSD serves more than 50,000 students in 86 schools and several specialized programs. With approximately 6,100 employees district-wide, CCSD is the fourth largest employer in the region.

CCSD offers a diverse, expanding portfolio of options and specialized programs, delivered through neighborhood, charter, magnet, IB (international baccalaureate), and Montessori schools, and is divided into three Learning Communities led by associate superintendents. Options include specialized programs in science, engineering and mathematics; liberal arts; music and other creative and performing arts; career and technical preparation programs; and military and other public service enterprises.