Certified Scrum Master Training and Super Happy Dev Day

August 6, 2012
Two New Opportunties for Charleston’s Software Community
Certified Scrum Master Training and Super Happy Dev Day
CHARLESTON, SC – TheCharleston Digital Corridor is pleased to announce Certified ScrumMaster training in partnership with the Charleston Agile User Group.This two-day training will be held at the Flagship on August 29th-30th. Cost for the course is $1295. Digital Corridorand Agile Charleston User Group members will receive a 10% discount. More

The Digital Corridor will host its first Super Happy Dev Day, a one-day event designed for Charleston’s software development community. This event, held at the Flagship on September 7th, will feature six talks focused on emerging, open-source software technologies and is open to the public. More


/About The Talent Portal
The Talent Portal is an online job listing and skills bank repository for Charleston’sgrowing, knowledge-based community. These tools are designed for DigitalCorridor member companies who are searching for talent (actively andpassively) and individuals who desire tech-related work opportunities inthe Charleston region.