Certified Scrum Master Training and Super Happy Dev Day
August 6, 2012Two New Opportunties for Charleston’s Software Community
Certified Scrum Master Training and Super Happy Dev Day
Certified Scrum Master Training and Super Happy Dev Day
CHARLESTON, SC – TheCharleston Digital Corridor is pleased to announce Certified ScrumMaster training in partnership with the Charleston Agile User Group.This two-day training will be held at the Flagship on August 29th-30th. Cost for the course is $1295. Digital Corridorand Agile Charleston User Group members will receive a 10% discount. More
The Digital Corridor will host its first Super Happy Dev Day, a one-day event designed for Charleston’s software development community. This event, held at the Flagship on September 7th, will feature six talks focused on emerging, open-source software technologies and is open to the public. More
About The Talent Portal
The Talent Portal is an online job listing and skills bank repository for Charleston’sgrowing, knowledge-based community. These tools are designed for DigitalCorridor member companies who are searching for talent (actively andpassively) and individuals who desire tech-related work opportunities inthe Charleston region.