Chamber announces political leadership institute

September 20, 2015

SENECA, SC ― The Oconee County Chamber of Commerce, is pleased to announce that they will be hosting an Upstate Political Leadership Institute on Friday, October 23rd for individuals who are thinking about taking a public office within the County.

The Oconee Chamber is working on this event as a part of collaborative effort with the Upstate Chamber Coalition, 13 Chambers that come together to work on common issues and projects. This half day class is an introduction for business leaders on how to get involved in local Boards, Commissions, or running for an elected office. This event is meant for aspiring leaders to get a taste of what they can expect should they choose to step into a public role.

You will hear from local officials, politicos, and other experts give you the straight scoop about what you need to know before taking the plunge. All participants must register in advance. Lunch and a brief networking time will be provided at the beginning of the session.

Scheduled Topics Include: “The Real Scoop about Public Service”, Defining a Viable Candidate, Business Issues Briefing, Available Boards & Commissions, the Election Process and Offices, and

Ethics in Public Service.

“Each community is shaped by the leaders, here in Oconee we are very blessed to have so many people willing to step up in a public capacity,” said Julian Davis, Chairman of the Oconee County Chamber of Commerce “We want to continue encouraging that trend.”

“Leaders need to know how to serve,” said, Jillian Lusk, Executive Director of the Oconee County Chamber of Commerce, “It is our hope that participants learn more about the process so they are able to step up at the right time to help our communities thrive.”

The Upstate Political Leadership Institute will take place on Friday, October 23rd from 12:00-5:00 pm. The cost to attend is $10 and covers lunch for participants. You can learn more about the Upstate Political Leadership Institute at


About the Greater Oconee County Chamber of Commerce

The Oconee Chamber is the largest business organization in Oconee County, SC focused on improving economic activity and quality of life. The Chamber of Commerce serves as an information resource for people interested in the area; promotes its member businesses; hosts business-related events throughout the year; and advocates on issues of importance to business and industry. Learn more at or call (864) 882-2097