Chamber Annual Meeting to Host World Trade Center Association Executive

May 9, 2011

CHARLESTON, SC – May 25,2011 –  Kofi A. Boateng, Chief Operating Officer, World Trade CentersAssociation (WTCA) will speak at the Charleston Metro Chamber ofCommerce’s Annual Meeting, Wednesday, May 25, from 11:30 a.m. – 1 Trident Technical College.

Last year under the World Trade Centers Association umbrella, theChamber re-established World Trade Center (WTC) Charleston and has beendeveloping a plan for programs and services to enhance its currentofferings to, and engagement of, the Charleston region’s internationalbusiness community.

Boateng will be speaking about the activities of WTCA including its newmission and vision along with the rebuilding plans. Kofi will giveinsight into the organization and its programs along with what it meansfor our community to compete globally by reinstituting World TradeCenter Charleston.

A native of Ghana, Kofi A. Boateng was appointed the Chief OperatingOfficer (COO) of World Trade Centers Association, Inc. on April 19,2010. He was the COO of The Africa-America Institute (AAI) based in NewYork City for seven years prior to joining WTCA. He stabilized AAI andoversaw its transition from a US-government funded entity to aprivately-funded and more efficient Institute.

The Annual Meeting will also highlight the State of the Chamber alongwith announcing the winners of the Chamber’s 1773 Award winners and When Work Works Workplace Flexibility Award winners.

The cost is $55 Chamber member, $85 non-members. To register click here.

About the Charleston Metro Chamber:  With more than 2,000 members, theCharleston Metro Chamber of Commerce serves as the catalyst foradvancing our region’s economy, improving our quality of life andenhancing our members’ success.