Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce Hosts Sold Out Annual Meeting Featuring Daymond John

January 26, 2015
CHARLESTON, SC – The Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce hosted their Annual Meeting: A Celebration of the Membership, presented by PNC Bank, on Thursday, January 22. The sold out event, attended by more than 500 business and community leaders, featured the Board of Director’s passing of the gavel as well as keynote speaker Daymond John of ABC’s Shark Tank and founder of FUBU.While recognizing past Board Chairs in attendance, outgoing Board Chairman Chris Fraser of Avison Young passed the gavel to 2015 Chair Laura Varn of Santee Cooper. Varn addressed the crowd, asking the membership for two things as the Chamber drives growth: courage and leadership.

In speaking about our region’s critical infrastructure needs, Varn stated, “…what our infrastructure should be has a $42 billion price tag… To those who say we can’t afford it, I say we are already paying for it. We are wasting $3 billion a year fixing our cars and sitting in traffic due to poor roads.” Varn addressed our region’s need to increase our motor fuel user fee, which has not seen an increase in 27 years, by 25 cents in order to fix the state’s roads and meet our region’s growing needs. “We can’t move forward if we’re stuck in potholes,” said Varn.

The night culminated with keynote speaker Daymond John, investor on ABC’s Shark Tank, founder of FUBU, author and entrepreneur. John’s high impact presentation took the audience through his life and the journey that lead him to success.

John discussed the success of the Charleston region, stating “I’m not wondering why I am here. I’m wondering why I don’t live here.”

John highlighted his 5 Shark Points:

–       S – Set a goal

–       H – Do your homework

–       A – Amore, love what you are doing

–       R – Remember you are the brand

–       K – Keep swimming

The presentation ended with John calling everyone to the front of the room for a selfie with the entire audience.

For more information about the work of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce and becoming a member, visit

About the Charleston Metro Chamber

With approximately 1,700 member organizations representing 125,000 professionals, the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce serves as the collective voice of the business community and a catalyst for advancing the region’s economy and enhancing members’ success through Advocacy, Innovation, Talent and Business Advancement. Visit