Charleston Parks Conservancy, Charleston Digital Corridor Foundation and The Speedwell Foundation add Wi-Fi to Harmon Field

February 24, 2016

Another Charleston city park has Wi-Fi access, thanks to a partnership between the Charleston Parks Conservancy, The Speedwell Foundation and the Charleston Digital Corridor Foundation. Wireless access is now available at Harmon Field, a 13-acre park on President Street in downtown Charleston.

This first phase of Wi-Fi installation provides service to the baseball field, the playground and the areas nearest the Charleston Development Academy, a public charter school for students 4K through eighth grade.

“A key part of our mission at the Charleston Parks Conservancy is to inspire the people of Charleston to connect with their parks,” said Harry Lesesne, executive director. “By adding wireless access in our public parks, it gives people another reason to use and enjoy Charleston’s wonderful parks and public spaces. In fact, we’re giving that ‘connect’ concept an even deeper meaning through Wi-Fi.”

Thanks to an earlier $30,000 donation from The Speedwell Foundation, the Charleston Parks Conservancy worked with the Charleston Digital Corridor to add wireless access to Hampton Park, Corrine Jones Park, Magnolia Park and Community Garden, and Mitchell Playground. Wi-Fi is already available in Waterfront Park, Marion Square and White Point Garden thanks to the Charleston Digital Corridor Foundation and Google.

Next, the partnership is planning to add Wi-Fi to Medway Park and Community Garden, the organization’s newest community garden on James Island.

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About the Charleston Parks Conservancy

The Charleston Parks Conservancy is a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring the people of Charleston to connect with their parks and together create stunning public places and a strong community. The Conservancy opens doors to individuals and organizations in Charleston wanting to engage with their parks and green spaces in a kaleidoscope of positive ways. With the help of its Park Angels, the Conservancy improves, enhances, and invigorates these spaces, making Charleston even better, stronger, and more successful. For more information about or to support the Charleston Parks Conservancy, please visit