Charleston Young Professionals Take Action in 2015

February 9, 2015

CHARLESTON, SC – Charleston Young Professionals, a division of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce, released their 2015 Visioning Plan outlining the top advocacy issues that CYP’s will tackle throughout the year. The plan was unveiled at CYP’s annual Roadmap on January 14.

The strategic plan was developed following the 2014 Visioning Conference which brought together nearly 80 young professionals to sit alongside some of the region’s top business and community leaders. Together, the group discussed and outlined the top advocacy issues for young professionals in the Charleston region – and beyond. The top issues, which pertained to infrastructure and education, were used to form the plan.

CYP’s will tackle these critical issues in three ways:

  • Partner with state young professional organizations to launch a social media-driven grassroots campaign focused on improving roads in South Carolina
  • Mobilize CYP to support the Chamber’s Partnership for Responsible Growth
  • Increase involvement in mentoring                                                                                                                         

A visioning committee has been formed to execute the plan and leverage the CYP membership of more than 1,000 young professionals.

CYP also announced the 2015 Chairman Tradd Rodenburg of Wells Fargo. Rodenburg follows former Chairman Jessica Jackson of The Boeing Company.

For more information about CYP or to learn how to join, visit

About Charleston Young Professionals

Founded in 1996 by the Charleston Metro Chamber of CommerceCharleston Young Professionals is primary resource for emerging talent by providing  professional development, connection and regional educational opportunities to a membership of more than 1,000 young professional representing numerous industries within the Charleston region. Visit  
