Chief Dennis Tyndall Urges Legislative Leaders to Pass Statewide Victim Protection Bill

February 2, 2015

WEST COLUMBIA, SC – West Columbia Police Chief, and candidate for Lexington County Sheriff, Dennis Tyndall, today urged South Carolina Legislators to pass a law this legislative session to provide more protection for victims of criminal domestic violence.

“I have seen so many victims be intimidated by the procedures to prosecute their abusers. As a police chief, my officers and I are on the front lines of this and we see the impact criminal domestic violence has on our community,” stated Dennis Tyndall. “Attempts to fix CDV laws in the past have been band aids on a system that gives more protection to the criminals than it does the victims. We need a law in place thatwould finally protect victims by increasing the penalties for this horrific offense.”

“We don’t tolerate domestic abuse in West Columbia; we don’t tolerate it in Lexington County; and it is my hope that our legislative leaders will give us a law with teeth in it to stop this epidemic in our state.” Tyndall continued.

Governor Haley also recently announced that she was creating a Criminal Domestic Violence Task Force.

Chief Tyndall and the West Columbia Police Department teach a self-defense and safety class for women in Lexington County. The class is free to the public and is provided several times a year. At the most recent class on January 29th, more than 70 women from across the county participated. For more information about the self-defense and safety classes, contact Capt. Scott Morrison at 803-939-3187.