City of Laurens Showcased During National Main Street Now Conference
April 4, 2023It’s no surprise to business owners in Laurens that Main Street Laurens is a strong and thriving program. Last year the Buzz reported on the awards and achievements coming out of Main Street Laurens, a program that follows the National Main Street Four Point Approach — economic vitality, design, promotion, and organization.
This year, Laurens Mayor Nathan Senn and Main Street Laurens Executive Director, Jonathan Irick were front and center at the National Main Street Now conference in Boston, Massachusetts.
“Presenting at the National Main Street Conference in Boston is truly an honor and a privilege. Being able to share our story of Downtown Development and the impact that has had on the entire City proves that Laurens is on the map,” said Irick. “Following the meeting we had several good questions and communities who want to come to see what we are doing and how we are accomplishing these goals, mostly based off of our Master Plan and Transformation Strategies for Main Street.”
Their presentation at the conference, “Partnering for Progress,” provided inspiration and ideas for other Main Street programs by demonstrating the power of working together to achieve common goals for the betterment of the community.
“The story of the City of Laurens’ revitalization through the hard work of so many has produced impressive results. It is a testament to our strategic approach that we were given the honor of presenting our story and strategies to cities large and small across the United States,” said Senn. “I hope every resident of our city is proud that “little ol’ Laurens” has been nationally recognized as a model of community partnerships and smart growth.”