City purchases land to preserve as open space
April 23, 2024By regulating site plans and strategically purchasing vacant land and rights of way throughout the City of Greenville, connectivity will improve with trails and bikeways.
Open space is undeveloped land that is accessible to everyone. The GVL2040 Comprehensive Plan aims to conserve more than one-third of the City’s undeveloped land. That would mean saving 945 acres of open space, or more than 700 football fields within city limits.
In July 2022, the City presented a Vacant Land Preservation Study to City Council. As part of the study, City staff developed a matrix to score land for appropriate for purchase. City Council created an Open Space Acquisition Fund, with $1.5 million budgeted over several years.
Impact on residents
By regulating site plans and strategically purchasing land and rights of way throughout Greenville, the City will be able to improve connectivity with trails and bikeways. Decisions made in this process will favor pedestrians and livability within the City and help realize all of the GVL2040 goals.

Earlier in 2024, Council purchased land along East Farris and Glen roads that included a small tributary of the Reedy River in Nicholtown.

City Council unanimously approved the $27,000 purchase of 12.66 acres of land along Ridge Road, to be maintained as open space.

The City’s Open Space Acquisition Fund has $1.5 million budgeted over several years, to meet the goal of preserving as much as 35% of Greenville’s remaining open space.