Clinton American Legion Auxiliary Unit 56 Celebrates Charter Restoration

March 18, 2024

The American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 56 in Clinton had a significant celebration on March 12th, marking the restoration of its unit charter. The event was attended by South Carolina ALA officers who officiated the proceedings.

Among the esteemed attendees were state ALA officers and members of Unit 56, including ALA District 7 President Brenda Collins, District 7 Secretary Louise Winesett, Post 56 Adjutant Lynn Boyd, and several others. Unit 56 President Jane Hanna expressed her pride in the occasion, particularly noting Catherine Page’s involvement, who continues the tradition of serving the veteran community. Page is the granddaughter of the late and esteemed Clinton Unit 56 President, Robbie Cruickshanks.

The event was commemorated through words but also through photographs, which will be preserved in the 2004-5 American Legion Post 56 historical record scrapbook. Post 56 has garnered recognition for its rapid growth, being regarded as one of the fastest-growing Legions in South Carolina.

The restoration process was formally acknowledged with President Hanna, ALA officers Collins and Winesett, and Adjutant Boyd signing the charter application papers.

In the spirit of community engagement, all interested veterans from various wars and theaters, along with their spouses, daughters, and granddaughters considering joining the Legion Ladies Auxiliary, are warmly invited to the next regular combined meeting. This meeting is scheduled for April 9th at 6:30 PM, to be held at the First Baptist Church located at 301 S. Broad Street, Clinton, SC.