Clinton Canopy – Beautifying Clinton One Alleyway at a Time

June 14, 2021

About two years ago, members of Clinton Canopy approached Bob Link with TNB investments to ask if they could “beautify” the alleyway behind the business on Pitts Street.  Link loved the idea and said his business would help fund the beautification project.

Link shared his vision for keeping the alleyway traditional.  Members of Clinton Canopy created a plan complete with a budget that was presented and approved and implementation began.

Then COVID-19 hit and the project, much like everything else, came to a halt.

Fast forward and early this past spring Clinton Canopy volunteers cleaned trash, debris and power washed the alley.  The doors were revived with a fresh coat (or two) of paint and pots, plants, and trellises were purchased along with wall art.

On Thursday, June 10th the plan started to come alive as members of the group met in the alley way to fill pots with pretty plants, install the trellises. Close but not quite complete, with a few more pots left to be planted and wall art left to be hung. Lights have also been ordered, and the city will be hanging those in the near future with a timer.

So what spot is next on the quest to beautify Clinton?

Clinton Canopy has already been working on the other alleyway that runs from Musgrove to N. Broad.  Volunteers came together two year ago to plant perennials that were donated/split from local gardener’s yards.  We have actively weeded, mulched, and cleaned this alley for years and are hoping to be able to put finishing touches and lights there in the near future.

If you have a green thumb or just want to dig in the dirt and help with some of these cool projects in Clinton, contact Heather Tiller (864-923-0822) or follow them on their Facebook page or on Instagram for news about upcoming projects.

Click on the images in the photo gallery to see the transformation of the space.