CODEshow Early-Bird Pricing Ends Feb 14
February 13, 2013CHARLESTON, SC – February 14, 2013 – Early-bird pricing for CODEshow, Charleston’s one-day event focused on emerging software technology, ends tomorrow. We are four weeks away from CODEshow, a unique software-only event in historic Charleston. Will you be there?
For more details, or to see the full conference agenda, visit Stay tuned for up-to-the-minute details on Twitter.
The inaugural CODEshow event is brought to you by the followingpartners: BoomTown, Benefitfocus, SPARC, 10gen, Google, BiblioLabs,CarePoint, sineLABS, PeopleMatter, Jack Russell Software and SmallFootprint.
Visit to purchase your ticket. Early-bird pricing of $199 ends tomorrow,February 14th. Students with a valid ID receive admission for $49.