Collins & Lacy, P.C. Gains Statewide Leadership Presence in Legal Associations

January 19, 2012

COLUMBIA, SC – January 19, 2012 – Collins & Lacy, P.C. has gaineda vast leadership presence in legal associations across the state. Thebusiness defense firm is pleased to announce six paralegals are servingin leadership roles within their respective professional associationsfor 2012. 

title=In the Upstate, Barbara Spearman has been officially sworn in as the2012 President of the South Carolina Upstate Paralegal Association(SCUPA). Spearman, of Collins & Lacy’s Greenville office, has been amember of SCUPA for the past 20 years. She has previously held theoffices of Treasurer, Secretary and Seminar Committee Chairperson.Barbara was a recipient of the Paralegal of the Year Award in 1995 and2007. Also from the Greenville office, Collins & Lacy’s DayshaBonner is the new Co-Chair of SCUPA’s 2012 Pro Bono Committee.  Thecommittee focuses on giving back to the community through projects,donations and services. 

Pictured (left): Barbara Spearman takes the oath as 2012 President of the South Carolina Upstate Paralegal Association (SCUPA).

In the Midlands, Collins & Lacy has four paralegals honored withleadership roles within the Palmetto Paralegal Association (PPA).  ThePPA was established in 1988 to promote professional development throughcontinuing legal education and to enhance the recognition of theparalegal profession within the legal community. During a ceremonyWednesday, Justice Costa M. Pleicones inducted the 2012 Board. Itincluded Collins & Lacy’s Vickie Baker as First Vice President andEducation Chairman, Cyndi Miller as Chair of the Ways & MeansCommittee, Kelli Spinks as Chair of the Employment InformationCommittee, and Roshel Tuska as Secretary. 


Pictured (above): Kelli Spinks, far left, is sworn in as 2012 Chair of thePalmetto Paralegal Association Employment Information Committee byJustice Costa M. Pleicones.

“Collins & Lacy is proud of this leadership presence in thesestatewide associations,” said managing partner Ellen Adams.  “We areproud to have such dynamic people on our team and commend theirdedicated service to these executive board positions that advance theparalegal profession.” 

About Collins & Lacy, P.C.
In 2012, Collins & Lacy, P.C., celebrates 28 years of providinglegal services to South Carolina.  With offices in Columbia, Greenvilleand Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, the firm’s primary focus is defenselitigation, representing local, regional and national clients in theareas of construction, employment law, hospitality/retail &entertainment law, insurance/bad faith, products liability, professionalliability, public policy, commercial transportation and workers’compensation.   Collins & Lacy is committed to upholding the higheststandards for integrity, civility and community service.  For moreinformation, visit