Conference Examines Strategies For Closing the Academic Achievement Gap Affecting African-American Children
April 14, 2009DETROIT,MI & COLUMBIA, SC – April 14, 2009 – Wayne State University and University of South Carolina host venue for researchers to present cutting edge research in early childhood programs and K-12 school districts nationwide.
WHAT: The African-American Child in School Conference on Research Directions, sponsored by the Institute for the Study of the African-American Child (ISAAC); Wayne State University, College of Education; and University of South Carolina, College of Education
This conference is designed to bridge the gap between research and practice in education. All researchers and practitioners who are interested in the latest strategies for closing the academic achievement gap that affects African-American children should attend.
WHEN: May 3-6, 2009
WHERE: Hilton Oceanfront Resort, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Conference Keynote Speakers:
Opening Plenary Session, Monday, May 4, 2009
Dr. A. Wade Boykin, Professor, Cognitive Experimental Developmental Psychology; Executive Director, Capstone Research Institute, Howard University
Fostering High Achievement for African American Students: What the Research Says
Closing Plenary Luncheon, Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Dr. V.P. Franklin, Presidential Chair and Distinguished Professor in History and Education, University of California Riverside; Editor, Journal of African American History
The Scholar-Activist Tradition and Research on African American Education
Conference Sponsors/Planning Committee:
Wayne State University, College of Education
Janice E. Hale, Ph.D., ISAAC Founding Director
University of South Carolina, College of Education Co-Sponsor
Dr. Gloria Boutte, Associate Professor, Honorary Co-Chair
Dr. Susi Long, Professor, Honorary Co-Chair
Honorary Conference Planning Committee
Dr. Diane Stephens, Chair, Department of Teacher Education, University of South Carolina
Dr. George Johnson, Coordinator, Special Education, South Carolina State University
Dr. Evelyn Fields, Chair, Department of Education, South Carolina State University
Saundra Lamb, Conference Chair
Debra Brundidge, Conference Co-Chair
Conference presenters representing:
Purdue University
Brown University
Emory University
University of South Carolina
South Carolina State University
Howard University
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Illinois at Chicago
Saint Xavier University – Chicago
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Ohio State University
University of New Mexico
Santa Clara University
Defiance College
Lehigh University
Sam Houston State University
William Paterson University
Guilford University
Point Loma Nazarene University
Oakland University
University of California, Riverside
Clayton State University, Georgia
Girls, Inc., Chicago
For more information, contact: Saundra Sumner (313) 577-0991. Visit the ISAAC Web site for conference registration and schedule: