Could You Spend a Year on Mobile Devices Only

July 23, 2012

CHARLESTON, SC –  In the future, we’ll live and work solely with mobile computers and cloud-connected devices. Startup executive and creative director Kit Hughes is embracing the future now as he pledges to work exclusively using his mobile phone and tablet for one year. Could you do it? Could you survive with just your mobile phone and tablet? No laptop, no desktop computers?

Join Charleston AMA for its August lunch and hear hear Hughes’ thoughts, struggles and opportunities on going mobile during the first eight months of his mobile journey. He’ll share mobile marketing insights and opportunities uncovered during this experiment. Read more about his mobile life at

The lunch is at noon on Thursday, Aug. 2 at the Marriott on Lockwood, 170 Lockwood Blvd. in 
Charleston. Cost is Member $15/$20 at the door | non-member $25/$30 at the door | student $15/$20 at the door. Register online.

Event Details:

Date – Thursday, August 2
Time – Noon
Location – Marriott on Lockwood, 170 Lockwood Blvd.
Cost – Cost is Member $15/$20 at the door | non-member $25/$30 at the door | student $15/$20

Online Registration link

title=About Kit Hughes
Hughes is the managing director and head of strategy for Look-Listen. For more than 10 years, Hughes has been involved in a plethora of research and design projects. As a two-time research fellow at the University of Georgia, Hughes developed mobile interactive experiences for one of the nation’s first metropolitan wireless zones. He has extensive experience in branding new products, line extensions, and online experiences for clients such as Anheuser-Busch, Avent, BP, Coca-Cola, Kool Smiles, Sonicare, and Philips Healthcare. Hughes regularly speaks at conferences on branding that delivers business value and received his Executive Certificate in Strategy and Innovation from MIT Sloan School of Management in 2007.