Credit Union Celebrates One Year Anniversary of Glenn McConnell Branch
October 3, 2012N. CHARLESTON, SC – South Carolina FederalCredit Union is celebrating the one year anniversary of its GlennMcConnell Branch, located at 3460 Shelby Ray Ct. with several events inOctober.
Solutions Fair, Thursday, Oct. 4, 1 – 5 p.m
Representatives from South Carolina Federal Insurance Solutions™ and South CarolinaFederal Investment Solutions™ will be on hand to discuss our wide rangeinsurance options and your long term investment goals. We’ll haverefreshments available.
Shred Event, Saturday, Oct. 13, 9 a.m. – noon
To help protect your financial privacy, we’ll shred your unwanteddocuments. You can enjoy a frozen treat from King of Pops™, plus, thebranch will be open that day from 9 a.m. – noon to meet your financialneeds.
Business Services Expo, Thursday, Oct. 25, 1– 5 p.m.
For our business members, come learn more from our Business Services teamand the talent management resources available from Optimal TalentSolutions™. Refreshments will be provided.
South CarolinaFederal will also be offering promotional specials during the month ofOctober–visit for details.
About South Carolina Federal Credit Union
South Carolina Federal Credit Union is headquartered in North Charleston. More than 140,000 members own and belong to the not-for-profit financial cooperative, which has over $1.3 billion in assets. South CarolinaFederal is a community-chartered credit union. Anyone who lives, works,worships or attends school in Berkeley, Charleston, Dorchester, Calhoun, Orangeburg or Georgetown counties, and most of the Columbia area, iseligible to join. South Carolina Federal has 17 branches, and 74 ATMsthroughout Charleston, Columbia and Georgetown. More information aboutSouth Carolina Federal can be found at or on the SiMPLECENTS blog at