Dana Beach to Speak at Small Business Lunch at Halls

March 20, 2012

CHARLESTON, SC – Small Business Lunch at Halls announced today that Dana Beach, Executive Director of the Coastal Conservation League, is the featured speaker for their April 5 luncheon.

Beach will discuss the environmental and economic impact of the proposed dredging of the Savannah River, and what that may mean to South Carolina, especially to Charleston.  The existing Georgia Port on the Savannah River is proposing the dredging of 38 miles along the channel from the ocean into the existing port, potentially compromising the Upper Floridian aquifer, a vital source of drinking water for millions of people in SC and GA. The dredging will most likely prevent the Jasper Port from being built, denying South Carolina primary job investment so desperately needed in Jasper County.

Each month, Small Business Lunch at Halls features a distinguished speaker from the business, civic or political arenas upstairs at Halls Chophouse with imaginative mid-day cuisine prepared by Executive Chef Matthew Niessner. The public is invited. 

Tickets are $28 per person for the luncheon and parking. Check-in begins at 11:30 AM and lunch is served promptly at noon. Limited seating of 60 participants provides an intimate experience with each speaker. For ticket information and sales visit: www.SmallBusinessLunchatHalls.com or call the 24/7 ticket hotline at 1-800-838-3006.
Halls Chophouse is located at 434 King Street in downtown Charleston. Parking is available at the Visitors Center Garage on Ann Street between King and John, and is validated at the event.