Dig South Festival Announces Presenter Line Up For 2013 Conference

October 15, 2012

Featuring 53 Presenters from the Greater Charleston Region, 16 fromthe Southeast Beyond South Carolina and 11 from San Francisco, New York, Washington, D.C. and other U.S. Regions
(CHARLESTON, SC) –DIG SOUTH Festival, the premier event celebrating the Southeasternknowledge economy, is excited to announce the presenter line up for theinteractive conference next April 13-14, 2013, at the College ofCharleston TD Arena.
The select group of 81 conferencepresenters includes technology, marketing, social media and othercreative industry thought leaders based in South Carolina, NorthCarolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, Washington, D.C., New York andCalifornia. Additional surprises guests will be announced this winter.
DIG SOUTH sessions will explore big ideas, innovative new platforms and all things digital including social media, e-commerce, digital strategy,marketing, new media trends, video, investment capital, digitalpublishing, mobile technology, music industry trends, software and appdevelopment, the culture of the Web, and emerging trends in theknowledge economy.

Dig Time Live.Straight to Video. Speed Dating for Startups. DemolitionDerby.
Conference interactive sessions are designed to be fast-paced,smart, rowdy and fun. It’s the time and place for attendees to get toknow industry thought leaders and to ask them anything under the sun.This is a fresh take on the traditional industry conference and a chance to break out of the standard format. Presenters are welcome to diveinto interactive sessions at any time just to stir it up. Visit digsouth.com for full descriptions.
    1.    Conference with high-level presenters
    2.    Expo showcasing technology and creative industry exhibitors
    3.    Sideshow featuring national touring bands, improv comedy, after-parties and more
For 2013, the conference will explore the intersection of Technology,Social Media, Marketing and The Arts. Attendees will dig in to theConference and Expo at the College of Charleston TD Arena, a world-class venue with views of the Charleston Harbor and Ravenel Bridge, and enjoy the Sideshow at the elegant Charleston Music Hall and other downtownhip venues.
Exhibit spaces are available nowfor the DIG SOUTH Expo, a high-profile showcase of technology andcreative industry businesses, entrepreneurs and products. It’s a greatplace to get new leads, check out the competition and recruit talent.

The DIG SOUTH Sideshow will offer national touringbands, DJs, improv comedy, free-style after-parties, networking eventsand other skylarking around Charleston and the DIG SOUTH Festival.

The DIG SOUTH ticket launch will begin with a KickstarterCampaign on October 22 offering early-bird registration, insiderinformation and the opportunity to become an official founder of thefirst, annual
DIG SOUTH Interactive Festival.
Early-bird tickets for the DIG SOUTH Festival go on sale Monday, October 22, 2012 at digsouth.com.
Visit digsouth.com or email info@digsouth.com for more information; find us on Twitter: @DIG_SOUTH and facebook: facebook.com/DigSouth.
Early partners for the 2013 DIG SOUTH Festival include SPARC, Benefitfocus,PeopleMatter, 
Charleston Regional Development Alliance, CharlestonDigital Corridor, ReverbNation, K & L Gates, BoomTown, ProductionDesign Associates, Traffek and C1 CFOs.