District administrators to begin land purchase negotiations, sell bonds

February 6, 2019

At its Feb. 5, 2019 meeting, the Lexington County School District One Board of Trustees passed a motion that begins district administrators’ negotiations for the most advantageous land sites for a new elementary school in the Lexington area, a new elementary school in the White Knoll area and a new middle school that will relocate and replace the current Lexington Middle School.

These three construction projects are part of the district’s 2018–2023 five-year building plan.

The board also passed a motion to authorize the issuance of bonds from the same $365 million five-year building plan (2018–2023) approved by the voters on Nov. 6, 2018. At that time, Lexington District One residents, with more than 56% of the vote, voted for and passed a five-year building plan that ensures that the district can continue to offer our students the facilities they need now and in the future.

As a reminder, that building plan includes:

  • updated safety and security systems at all district schools and facilities
  • three new schools to replace old schools and increase student capacity
  • two new elementary schools needed to accommodate student growth
  • renovations, additions and/or upgrades to 14 elementary schools, five middle schools, five high schools, the district’s maintenance facility, technology center and community learning center
  • a new district transportation facility
  • and information technology equipment and furniture for Future Ready Classrooms at all schools.