DNA Creative Communications Promotes Two, Welcomes One

July 7, 2010

GREENVILLE, SC – July 6, 2010 – DNA Creative Communicationsrecently promoted Lauren Knight of Greenville, SC, and Meg Ried ofNaperville, IL, to the position of Account Coordinators.


Both Knight and Ried were interns at DNA before becoming AccountCoordinators. Knight is a recent graduate of the University of SouthCarolina receiving her B.S. in Business Administration, with a minor inpublic relations. Ried is a graduate from Clemson University receivingher B.A. in Communication Studies with a minor in advertising andemphasis in public relations in December 2009. Their responsibilities asAccount Coordinators include supporting public relations and publiceducation campaigns, as well as general account assistance.DNA also welcomes a new member to its team with the addition of JonathanRiddle of Charleston, SC. Riddle is a student at Clemson University,pursuing a B.S. in Marketing and is a member of the Clemson UniversityMarketing Association and Clemson University Tigeroar.





Riddle will be spending the summer as an intern with DNA, taking onvarious responsibilities within the company ranging from administrativework to assisting the team on public relations projects. 

DNA Creative Communications

DNA is afull-service communications firm specializing inadvertising, branding, e-communications, public relations and specialevent planning. The DNA team develops and executes strategies forclients in various arenas, including education housing, healthcare,recreation and the environment. DNA offers an annual LIVE HERE GIVE HEREprogram – a pro bono initiative that allows DNA to select and partnerwith a local nonprofit to develop a sustainable communications strategy.DNA is the proud recipient of the Greenville Chamber’s 2005 SmallBusiness of the Year Award. For more information, please call864-235-0959 or visit www.dnacc.com.