Dr. Nika White launches book tour for “The Intentional Inclusionist™”

March 21, 2017

Book Cover“The Intentional Inclusionist™” is an Amazon Best Seller for leaders who desire to grow as inclusion-minded individuals and exercise their leadership to enhance the workplace, build communities, and have a positive impact on any circle of influence they belong. Dr. Nika White’s book, inspired by philosophies of leadership and inclusion, contains principles to help individuals become more intentional in how diversity and inclusion are understood and practiced at the individual level. The book is designed to help leaders recognize that collective efforts one person at a time can change the way the entire world looks at human difference.

In Dr. White’s book, she teaches guidelines by which to adhere to ensure that as a leader, you intentionally drive change and inclusion. In the “The Intentional Inclusionist™” Dr. White encourages leaders to apply principles and mindsets of inclusion with a high level of intention and conviction in both their personal and professional lives. Dr. White’s book urges leaders to move with speed and power to create the inclusion they wish to see in the world. There are 12 principles summarized in this easy to read book, with less than 100 pages.

In her interview on We Help You Thrive Radio Show with Steve Kidd, Dr. White expressed, “I’ve always been a person that truly believes in the power of intention, the power of being very deliberate, and having the forethought to chart your pathway to success. With all endeavors, I do it with great tenacity and intention. If we could teach people, particularly leaders, to exercise a life with mindfulness around the work of inclusion, then we certainly can find a way of involving more people in opportunities that will help them reach their full potential.”

“It is an amazing, amazing book. Regardless of what position you have in your company, whether you are the owner or you work for yourself and by yourself—valuing inclusion really is a skillset and a mindset that we really need to all have.  The book is so well written to help us understand something that is all too often forced on us without understanding why.” –Steve Kidd, CEO of Kidd Marketing.

“The Intentional Inclusionist™” is available on Amazon in both digital version for Kindle and in paperback format. Dr. White is currently accepting speaking engagements to highlight some of the principles in the book and help organizations to see inclusion as a powerful tool to create diverse, engaged, and high performing teams. To book Dr. White as your speaker for your event, visit nikawhite.com.


About Nika White & Nika White Consulting: 

Dr. Nika White’s professional career spans about 20 years, serving as a diversity and inclusion practitioner, an accomplished marketing communications executive, economic development leader and community advocate.  Dr. White found inspiration through the intersection of business, diversity, and leadership, and has made this her niche.