Eating Out for Charity Never Tasted so Good
March 12, 2012Dining Out for Life®, Fight HIV/AIDS on Thursday, April 26 in 55 cities
CHARLESTON, SC – March 12, 2012 – Food and philanthropy are twothings the people of the Lowcountry do well. On April 26, the secondannual Dining Out for Life event is combining these two strengths toraise money for the Roper St. Francis (RSF) Ryan White Program – afederally funded program that helps coordinate comprehensive medicalcare for people living with HIV/AIDS.
Dining Out for Life is an annual fundraising event involving thegenerous participation of restaurants, volunteers and corporatesponsors. With the participation of more than 20 local restaurants lastyear, Dining Out For Life in Charleston raised nearly $45,000. Thisyear, the RSF Ryan White Program goal is to recruit even morerestaurants in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties.Participating restaurants have the option of donating 10, 25 or 50percent of their sales.
The majority of people know someone affected by HIV/AIDS, said Ella Fleming, RSF Ryan White Program coordinator. Joining thispalate-satisfying fundraiser will help improve the quality andavailability of primary healthcare for those with HIV/AIDS.
All money raised through Dining Out for Life in Charleston will go to the RSF Ryan White Program’s Medication Endowment Fund, which has beenestablished to provide emergency medication and medical care assistanceto its patients.
Among participating restaurants are:
- Bluerose Café
- Joe Pasta
- Local Market & Café
- Midtown Bar and Grill
- OAK Steakhouse
- The Grocery
- Santi’s
- Fulton Five
- Hall’s Chophouse
- The Macintosh
- Hunley’s
- Muse Bar and Restaurant
- Five Loaves Café
Federally-funded Ryan White programs have been established in manycommunities as a result of legislation to improve availability of carefor low-income, uninsured and under-insured people with HIV/AIDS andtheir families. The programs honor the legacy of Ryan White, an Indianateenager with hemophilia who contracted HIV through a blood transfusion. White died in 1990 after fighting against AIDS-related discriminationand championing efforts to educate the nation about the infectiousdisease.
For more information about Dining Out for Life and to become aparticipating restaurant, please visit For more information about the Ryan White Program at Roper St. Francis Healthcare, please visit,
The Roper St. Francis Healthcare Mission:
Healing All People with Compassion, Faith and Excellence
About Roper St. Francis Healthcare
Roper St. Francis Healthcare is the South Carolina Lowcountry’s onlyprivate, not-for-profit healthcare system. The 657-bed system consistsof 100 facilities and services in nine counties. Member hospitalsinclude Roper Hospital, Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital, Mount Pleasant Hospital and Roper Rehabilitation Hospital. Roper St. Francis Physician Partners is a comprehensive network of more than 180 physicians thatcovers a complete range of primary care and 20 subspecialties. With more than 5,300 employees, RSFH is Charleston’s largest private employer.Ranked No. 41 among the Top 100 Integrated Health Networks in thenation, Roper St. Francis Healthcare annually earns numerous nationalawards recognizing high levels of patient, physician and employeesatisfaction. For more information on RSFH, go to