Educational Event, Networking Opportunity Announced for South Carolina Communications Professionals

September 21, 2012

SCPRSA and IABC/SC to Host Annual Professional Development Conference Friday, Nov. 16 at the S.C. Hospital Association in Columbia

COLUMBIA, SC – The South Carolina Public Relations Society of America (SCPRSA)and the International Association of Business Communicators of SouthCarolina (IABC/SC) have announced the date and location for their jointProfessional Development Conference, Connect 2012: Choose Your Path,Measure Your Success.  

Each year, the organizations offer astatewide event that brings communication professionals together for aday of networking and discussion on the critical issues influencing andaffecting the industry.  
Connect 2012 will take place on Friday, Nov.16 at the S.C. Hospital Association in Columbia.  This year’s agendaincludes two keynote speakers, a speed-mentoring panel and breakoutsessions to discuss relevant topics in the communications field, such as social media, measurement tactics and media landscape and trends.  

“Connect 2012 is designed to offer dual-track insights and networkingopportunities for attendees of all career levels, sectors, workenvironments and industries,” said SCPRSA President Alice Grey Harrison. “This event gives an opportunity for any communications professional –not just SCPRSA or IABC members – to learn about current industry trends and advance the public relations profession.”

The registration rates for the conference are as follows:

  • SCPRSA or IABC/SC member early bird (by Oct. 12): $100
  • SCPRSA or IABC/SC member regular: $125
  • Non-member early bird (by Oct. 12): $125

  • Non-member regular: $150

  • Students: $50

For more information about Connect 2012, including an attendee roster, visit the event registration page.


The Public Relations Society of America is the world’s largest professional organization for public relations practitioners. The South Carolinachapter of PRSA is the leading networking and professional developmentorganization for communicators in the Palmetto State. The group hostsmonthly meetings in the Upstate, Midlands and Lowcountry regions, whilealso providing statewide programs and leadership opportunities. For more information, visit

IABC/SC links organizational business communicators to a global network ofcommunication professionals who develop, establish and adhere to thehighest professional standards of quality and innovation inorganizational/business communication. The association strives to foster understanding and respect toward integrating communication activitiesin organizations/businesses. Visit to learn more!