Entrepreneur Minute – Bill West, Ellipsis Technologies

July 10, 2017

The UpstateBizSC Entrepreneur Minute is a one minute interview in support of entrepreneurship.

We would like to thank our sponsors of this video series – Wells Fargo and Bauknight, Pietras and Stormer.




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Bill West, Ellipsis Technologies

Bill West is CEO of Ellipsis Technologies. He has previously held the positions of President, COO and board member at Carolina Phone, Dial Page, Solo America and USTelecenters and held a number of senior management positions at AT&T.

Ellipsis has developed a proprietary web security technology which allows human site visitors to avoid CAPTCHA-like tests. Their technology helps companies focus on user experience, customer satisfaction and ultimately higher online sales.

Additionally, Ellipsis has developed a technology that invisibly detects and records the behavioral characteristics of a specific individual. This behavioral profile can then be compared to future behavior to verify the presence of this individual for access control and seat license compliance applications as well as for academic and military studies with relation to concussion and specifically traumatic brain injury research.


Bill West from MidlandsBiz on Vimeo.