Entrepreneur Minute – Jordana Megonigal, CEO, The RECON Network

September 27, 2017

The UpstateBizSC Entrepreneur Minute is a one minute interview in support of entrepreneurship.

We would like to thank our sponsors of this video series – Wells Fargo and Bauknight, Pietras and Stormer.




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Jordana Megonigal, CEO, The RECON Network

The RECON Network is purpose-based career planning and training, dedicated to veterans in career transition and military spouses.

The RECON Network offers an intensive conference that focuses on the veteran’s roles, identity, personal purpose, and future goals. It then plugs the veterans into the local community — not just for a “perfect fit” career, but also for community engagement.

RECON isn’t a job fair—it’s an intersection of resources, leadership, and information, with the purpose of helping service men and women establish their own value in their next career.


Jordana Megonigal, CEO, The RECON Network from MidlandsBiz on Vimeo.