Female freshmen and their recruiter get knob haircuts; donate to Locks of Love

August 14, 2014

Urban Nirvana salon happy to help the students “come into their own”

CHARLESTON, SC – Move in day for freshmen at The Citadel is Saturday, August 16. Female cadets in The Citadel’s class of 2018 will, just like their male classmates, have to conform to the strict standards of the renowned Military College of South Carolina.  The freshman, referred to as knobs because of their short hair, often get their hair cut upon arrival at the college’s barber shop. Female knobs must have hair that is three inches long on the top and two inches long on the sides upon matriculation. (Male cadets must have hair cut from ¼ to ½ inch.)

On Thursday, August 14, at 2 p.m., four female knobs and The Citadel’s assistant director of admissions will go together to get their hair cut to uniform standards and to donate it to Locks of Love. Locks of Love is an organization that accepts donated hair to use in the creation of hair prosthetics for children who lose theirs during cancer treatment.

Charleston’s Urban Nirvana Salon and Day Spa is hosting the event to support the young women at the company’s downtown salon located at 189 St. Phillip St. in Charleston.

“We know these women are about much more than the length of their hair, but such a drastic change takes some adjustment. We want to help them feel strong, and part of that is feeling good about how you look,” said Lisa Roina, Urban Nirvana Salons’ manager. “Our mantra is ‘Come into your own at Urban Nirvana’, and we think helping these women come into their own as they begin this incredible four year challenge at The Citadel strongly supports the mission of our team.”


The Citadel’s regulations for freshmen hairstyles are as follows:


Fourth Class Female Cadets 

Fourth‑class cadet’s hair will be maintained in a short style, with the top approximately 3 inches in length. The sides and back will be cut with a high taper, and the side/back taper no shorter than one inch at the shortest point. The taper will end above the dress blouse collar in the back, and at the natural hair line around the ears. High and tight haircuts short enough to reveal the scalp, “crew‑cut” tops, or shaved top, side or back of the head are not authorized for female fourth‑class cadets. The short, tapered style will be maintained for the entire fourth‑class year. Hair will not be cut so short as to give a masculine appearance.


Fourth Class Male Cadets 

After the initial freshman haircut, Fourth Class cadet’s hair will have a short “military basic training” style cut all around, with the cadet’s hair not exceeding ½ inch and no less than ¼ inch on top. Hair will be neatly trimmed and tapered on the sides and in the back so as to terminate above the dress blouse collar line. Heads will not be shaved bare of hair.