Fireflies launch safe at home Reading Program
March 23, 2020Children who Complete the Program Receive a FREE Ticket to a Fireflies Game
The Columbia Fireflies today launched an at home version of the Fireflies Reading Program, presented by Prisma Health Children’s Hospital. The Reading Program is the only program in which students receive a free ticket to a Fireflies game.
During this time of uncertainty, the Columbia Fireflies want to provide their younger fans and students around the community with some fun and educational at home activities. The Safe at Home Reading Program is designed to be completed in the comfort of your own home during the break from school due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program will begin today, March 23, and end on April 19.
To participate, all parents need to do is visit, register online and then download the Safe At Home Reading Program Information Sheet and the Reading Progress Tracking Sheet.
Here are the five easy steps to completing the program:
1. Parents- Fill out the registration form online at
2. Read– Read an age-appropriate book for at least 25 minutes per day for four weeks. For our youngest fans, you can ask an adult or an older sibling to read to you!
3. Hit a HOME RUN– Check off a box each day as your child reads around the bases! Each check box means your child has read, or been read to, for 25 minutes that day. Reach first base (after week one), reach second base (after week two), reach third base (after week three) and reach home plate (after week four).
4. Redeem your prizes– Fill out the completion form online at Once the student has reached each base and made it to home plate, the student will receive a FREE ticket, a voucher for a FREE hot dog, chips and a drink and additional prizes when they come to the game. Additional tickets for family members may be purchased for a discounted rate of $9 per ticket.
5. Speak with a Fireflies Representative– A Fireflies Representative will be in contact with you once the 2020 game schedule is determined to help complete your order.
The following rules and guidelines apply for the program:
- Ages 3-14 are eligible.
- Parents and family members can purchase additional tickets for $9 each.
- For tickets, seat locations and game dates are based upon availability.
For any questions, contact Ty Jamieson, Reading Program Manager, at (803) 888-3011 or tjamieson@columbiafireflies.