Fountain Inn Seeks Community Input with Comprehensive Plan Survey
May 30, 2023Like many other areas, Fountain Inn is growing. With that, local leadership is looking for your input to help shape the vision and priorities for the town.
There are only a few weeks left to complete the comprehensive plan survey. Think about what type of community you want to raise your family in. By taking this brief survey, you can directly influence decisions that will impact neighborhoods, schools, parks, and more.
“City Council relies on the input the public provides during our Comprehensive Plan process,” said Fountain Inn Mayor GP McLeer. “It sets the stage for the Fountain Inn of tomorrow and is one of the most important documents we use to guide us.”
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A comprehensive plan identifies a vision for a City’s future and provides recommendations for achieving that vision. It helps guide land use policy, funding, resource decisions, and infrastructure investment for the City of Fountain Inn, its staff, and its governing bodies. The comprehensive plan is authorized by South Carolina’s Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act. It has a thirty-year time horizon, but it must be reevaluated every five years and updated by resolution every ten years.
The comprehensive plan must specifically address ten planning elements. The law leaves local governments to pursue the ten comprehensive plan elements in a way that best meets their communities’ needs. The law specifies that the planning process should include an inventory of existing conditions, a statement of the local government’s needs and goals and implementation strategies with timeframes.
The ten elements include:
- Population
- Economic development
- Natural resources
- Cultural resources
- Community facilities
- Housing
- Land use
- Transportation
- Priority investment
- Resiliency
As a member of the local community, your voice matters in shaping the future of Fountain Inn.
Take the quick survey click HERE.