Furman earns Gold rating for campus sustainability achievements

March 26, 2018

Furman University has earned a STARS Gold rating in recognition of its sustainability achievements from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). STARS, the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System, measures and encourages sustainability in all aspects of higher education.

Furman’s STARS report is publicly available on the STARS website: http://bit.ly/2DMsTI0. The report shows that Furman is rated in the top 10 baccalaureate institutions in the nation and is the highest rated baccalaureate institution in the entire south.

Said Furman Associate Director of Sustainability Assessment Laura Bain, “Compiling the STARS report is a collaborative effort that would not be possible without the help of our Sustainability Student Fellow, Logan Richardson, and the steadfast support of our facilities services and campus operations teams. I am proud of what Furman has accomplished thus far and excited to continue working toward an even more sustainable campus.”

With more than 800 participants in 30 countries, AASHE’s STARS program is the most widely recognized framework in the world for publicly reporting comprehensive information related to a college or university’s sustainability performance. Participants report achievements in five overall areas: 1) academics, 2) engagement, 3) operations, 4) planning and administration, and 5) innovation and leadership.

“STARS was developed by the campus sustainability community to provide high standards for recognizing campus sustainability efforts,” said AASHE Executive Director Meghan Fay Zahniser. “Furman University has demonstrated a substantial commitment to sustainability by achieving a STARS Gold rating and is to be congratulated for its efforts.”

Unlike other rating or ranking systems, this program is open to all institutions of higher education, and the criteria that determine a STARS rating are transparent and accessible to anyone. Because STARS is a program based on credits earned, it allows for both internal comparisons as well as comparisons with similar institutions.

For more information about the STARS program, visit www.stars.aashe.org. Or contact the Furman News and

Media Relations office at 864-294-3107.


AASHE is an association of colleges and universities working to create a sustainable future. Its mission is to empower higher education to lead the sustainability transformation. It provides resources, professional development and a network of support to enable institutions of higher education to model and advance sustainability in all areas, from governance and operations to education and research. For more information about AASHE, visit www.aashe.org.