Gov. Nikki Haley to hold “Open Door after 4” meetings in Allendale on Friday

December 7, 2011

Constituents have opportunity to meet with governor to discuss any issue

COLUMBIA, SC – Governor Nikki Haley today announced that she willhold “Open Door after 4” constituent meetings on Friday, December 9, at4:00 PM in Allendale at the University of South Carolina –Salkehatchie’s Atrium in the Science Administration Building, which islocated at 465 James Brandt Boulevard.

South Carolinians will have the opportunity to schedule a one-on-one meeting with Gov. Haley to discuss any issue.

Anyone wishing to schedule an “Open Door after 4” appointment withGov. Haley should call (803) 734-1999 between 9:00 AM and 9:30 AM onThursday, December 8. Appointments are first-come, first-served. Formore information, call (803) 734-2100.